MRIS Histories

Articles are in the order contributed

  • Ian Young: My Involvement with MRI and MRS at EMI and Hammersmith Hospital
  • Graeme Bydder: Clinical MRI and MRS at Hammersmith Hospital
  • Martyn Paley: A quick scan of  my life with MRI and MRS in industry and academia
  • David Bryant, Jane Cox and Simon Taylor-Robinson: The Hammersmith Spin on Metabolism using Clinical MR Spectroscopy
  • David Hoult: My Time in MRS and MRI at Oxford
  • Colin Harrison: Engineering Early MRI Systems[
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  • Paul Bottomley: On the Origins of Localized NMR: View from an Accomplice
  • Steven McKinstry: Reminiscences of the MRI Unit at Hammersmith Hospital, 1985-86
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  • Wady Gedroyc; A personal history of MRI at St Mary’s
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  • Nandita de Souza and David Gilderdale: Endocavitary and Interventional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) – the Hammersmith years[
  • Joanna Wardlaw: History of MRI/S in the UK
  • Prem Anand: MRI eBook
  • Donald McRobbie: But, is it safe?
  • Catherine Westbrook: MRI Education
  • Di Everson: Hammersmith Hospital: My life in the NMR/MRI unit 1981-1988
  • William TC Yuh: Challenges that shaped my life
Richard Waltham (left) relaxing with his colleagues Mac Gollifer & Sir Godfrey Hounsfield
  • Richard Waltham: Interconnections between pioneering work on CT and MRI

Excerpt from Richard Waltham’s chapter about Sir Godfrey Hounsfield coming up with the basic idea of tomography.

Ian standing underneath a plaque stating that the first superconducting whole body MRI magnet which he helped to create was built in the factory behind him in Oxford in 1980
  • Ian McDougall: A short history of the principal developments involving the first magnets for MRI in the Oxford Instrument Company
  • Roy Gordon: From in-vivo NMR to Pre-clinical Imaging

Personal Histories from Other Sources

Sir Godfrey Hounsfield: Biography Part 1 & Part 2 courtesy of BIR

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  • Bill Edelstein: An American physicist in Aberdeen: Good Enough Engineering. in MRI 25 A Revolution in Imaging
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  • John Mallard: Contributions from Aberdeen to the Emergence of Worldwide, Clinically Diagnostic, MRI. in eMagRes
  • Stephen Golding. Riding the Wave: A career spent under the development of British MRI
  • Ian Pykett’s History
Paul Goddard
Paul Goddard

Paul Goddard’s History

Pete Walters History

Eddy Boskamp
David Gadian
Chris Hall
Ali Akgun